Welcome Letter

We’re honored to invite you to the 5th Wells Drilling, Completion and Intervention Latin American Congress, which will take place from September 9 to 11, 2025, in  La Rural – Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, within the Argentina Oil & Gas Expo 2025.


This event will convene Latin American leading Operators and Service companies through a program that has been designed to boost knowledge and experiences-sharing. Technical Papers, Round Tables, and Conferences led by renown industry specialists will be included.


This Congress will be a key platform where current challenges will be assessed,  the last trends and innovations in drilling will be explored, and ties will be strengthened among colleagues with a shared commitment to boost technical and professional development in the oil & gas industry.


We therefore encourage all professionals to participate, either by attending or submitting their technical papers. We look forward to meeting you next year to be a part of this upcoming event, which will be a key meeting opportunity for the industry in our region.



Federico Meaggia


Organizing and Technical Committee

5th Wells Drilling, Completion and Intervention Latin American Congress



Organizing & Technical Committee


Federico Meaggia



Carlos Albarrazín

Socio Personal


Sandro Alves

Vista Energy


Esteban Bazán



Fabián Benedetto



Ricardo Berra

Socio Personal


Maximiliano Campo



Daniel Casalis

Socio Personal


Darío Collareda

Pecom  Energía

Sergio Chavez



Pablo Chiaraviglio

Socio Personal


Ignacio El Idd



Alejandro Funes

Socio Personal


Juan Manuel Moggia



Marcela Mucci



Wilfredo Núñez  



Mario Paz


Jesús Ramirez

Grupo Capsa


Carlos Rico

Socio Personal


Luis Ronco

Socio Personal


Eduardo Ruiz

Socio Personal


Alejandro Shapasnicoff

Socio Personal


Gabino Velasco

Socio Personal


Guillermo Von Zedtwitz

Ensign Energy

September 9 ~ 11,  2025, La Rural, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

5th Wells Drilling,

Completion, and Intervention Latin American Congress

The Congress

The Argentinian Institute of Oil and Gas (IAPG) is pleased to invite you to participate in the 5th Wells Drilling, Completion, and Intervention Latin American Congress, to take place from September 9 to 11, 2025, in  La Rural – Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.


Aware of the significance posed by challenges in this area in the modern world, the IAPG wishes to address the need for sustained knowledge acquisition that wells’ drilling, completion, and intervention demands, both in traditional fields and in mature and non-conventional fields, tight sands, and shale clays (tight sands, shale gas, shale oil, etc.).


This Congress will be attended by exploitation, drilling, and service companies operating in Latin America, as well as by renown professionals and experts in the topics mentioned below.


We therefore summon all professionals to submit their technical papers.


This Congress is aimed at providing an adequate technical environment to deliver presentations and submit technical papers dealing with Wells’ Drilling, Completion, and Intervention, thus creating the opportunity for a dynamic debate that enable information and experiences-sharing, and knowledge upgrading among the experts involved in these activities.


  • Operations (Conventional /Non-Conventional / Offshore), Drilling and Completion Fluids / Cementing and Stimulation / Horizontal and Multilateral Wells
  • Abandonment.
  • Rocks’ Geomechanics.
  • Tubulars
  • Digitalization / Artificial Intelligence
  • Special projects planning and fields’ development strategies.
  • Optimization including monitoring rooms, and optimization + Time Standardization Engineering
  • Wells Integrity and Assurance.
  • Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment / Training and career development of drilling workers.

Papers’ submission schedule

Until March 7, 2025

Deadline to submit abstracts.

As of April 14, 2025

Notice of abstract’s acceptance to authors.

Until May 31, 2025

Deadline to submit final papers.

As of July 31, 2025

otice of final paper’s acceptance to authors.

Submission of Technical Papers

Those interested in submitting a technical paper in this Congress must upload an abstract to the Congresses WebSite (SISCON) to enable its evaluation by the Technical Committee. The abstract shall be a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 400 words. It shall summarize the scope and nature of the experience to be shared.


The abstract’s approval shall not entail the automatic approval of the Technical Paper.

Once the interested party has been given notice of his/her abstract´s approval, he/she shall be able to upload the final Technical Paper to SISCON for its review.


Technical Papers must be unpublished, have no commercial purpose and include no advertising material. They can be written either in Spanish or English. Final papers will be collected in digital format and distributed among the participants.


To present their papers, authors will be required to register to the Congress.

Access to the Congress System (SISCON)


La Rural Predio Ferial de Buenos Aires

Av. Sarmiento 2704, C1425 Cdad. Autónoma de Buenos Aires


Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas

Maipú 639, C1006ACG Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tel: (54 11) 5277 4274 - Fax: (54 11) 5277-4263

e-mail: adivito@iapg.org.ar



Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas

Maipú 639 (C1006ACG) - Tel: (54 11) 5277 IAPG (4274)

Buenos Aires - Argentina

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Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas,todos los derechos reservados